The Favourite Camera Series – Michael

When asked, Michael said:

1. If you were to choose a favourite film camera from your collection which would it be?

I believe my best camera over all is my Canon P…

2. How long have you owned this camera?

I bought the body and a Voigtlander lens for a song about 5 years ago now…

look the camera up.. I cannot tell you how amazing this camera is..

3. How did you come to own this camera?

Over time I have bought myself a 50/1.2 lens (Tonchi) and a 35/2 lens (Tom Abrahamson).. I had also the 35/1.8 but it was basically the Summarit version of the 35/2. all glowy and good for black and white but not significantly better than the 35/2 which is called the Japanese Summicron.. the 50/1.2 is unbelievable clean and sharp wide open.

4. What things do you enjoy most about this camera?

so besides all of the solid build and the impeccable quality of the mechanics and the amazing glass..

the camera is perfect for street shooting because it has a 1:1 finder… this is the best way in my opinion to shoot street because you keep both eyes open and the frame lines float in the air …

it is really a dream shooter and with the lenses i have accumulated it is hard to beat for my uses.

it is small and light and requires your brain to use..


I do have a lot of other cameras I love..

Topcon RE 2

Yashica/Nicca YF

Contax 2 prewar

Zeiss Ikon Icarex with Ultron lens

and of course the  jewel

they call the Exakta Varex….

I could go on..

I have a bit of a sickness.. LOL

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