The Favourite Camera Series – Bryan

When asked, Bryan replied:

1. If you were to choose a favourite film camera from your collection which would it be?

2. How long have you owned this camera?

3. How did you come to own this camera?

4. What things do you enjoy most about this camera?


I have attached a photo of my favourite camera and a scanned image. This shot of the Chez Paree was taken around May 1984 in San Francisco. I used Fuji RDP. Please don’t ask for my F-Stop and Shutter speed. I never used filters. I used a sturdy 1960s Linhof tripod. The sign and business have long since disappeared. Years after taking this photo I found this sign in an old photograph capturing a street scene in San Francisco’s International District likely from the 1950s. Back in the 1950s, the sign was for a club called the Barbary Coast. If it is the same sign, and I am certain that it is, then it was re-worked for a strip parlour on Mason in the Tenderloin District!





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