We recently got some Kono Dubblefilm Bubblegum film in stock, so I thought I’d give it a try and shoot a roll of double exposures with a friend! Then I thought…
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We recently got some Kono Dubblefilm Bubblegum film in stock, so I thought I’d give it a try and shoot a roll of double exposures with a friend! Then I thought…
Continue reading →Much to the delight of our pre-order customers, we’ve just received a shipment of the new Fujifilm X-H1 camera, both bodies and kits with the Vertical Power Booster and extra…
Continue reading →The Foldio2 was a great idea for product shooting. It folds into a small travel portfolio, making it compact and easy to travel with too. It comes with built in…
Continue reading →Fujifilm’s X-H1 is, for X-system users, a groundbreaking new camera. I have been privileged to spend a fair bit of time with two different preproduction bodies, through several iterations of…
Continue reading →Come join Fujifilm and Beau Photo Supplies for an exciting product showcase event! We cannot be specific about what will be shown just yet, but soon! Look for an updated…
Continue reading →Profoto has officially announced their newest remote the Air TTL-F for Fuji Cameras. This long awaited remote is the collaboration between Profoto and Fujifilm to offer a seamless compatibility between…
Continue reading →Renaissance Albums has just release a new and beautiful version of their already gorgeous Bowery Book. This new Bowery Book features a thread saddle-stitched binding technique which allows the album…
Continue reading →We finally received our first shipment of Fujifilm X-E3 kits, both black and silver, bundled with the excellent XF 18-55mm f/2.8-4R OIS zoom. These kits are selling for $1,649. Note…
Continue reading →Something new and wonderful is coming from Profoto. Given the name “The Worlds Smallest Studio Light”, the Profoto A1 studio flash is designed to not only look great…it’s built to…
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