I have now spent a few days shooting with the Fujifilm GFX 100 medium format camera. While I wrote about the GFX previously here, I have not yet really published…
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I have now spent a few days shooting with the Fujifilm GFX 100 medium format camera. While I wrote about the GFX previously here, I have not yet really published…
Continue reading →Come into Beau Photo Friday July 26th from 10:00 AM till 2:00 PM and get your hands on the amazing FUJIFILM GFX 100, a 100 megapixel medium format digital camera….
Continue reading →Fujifilm recently announced details about their upcoming GFX 100 body, offering a 102 megapixel sensor with in-body image stabilization (IBIS), a first for a medium format digital camera. I suspect…
Continue reading →A big thank you to everybody that participated in our Project Instant V6.0 Show. The entries look wonderful and opening night was a great success! Our winners were as follows:…
Continue reading →Interested in learning more about the new Fujifilm GFX 50R? Come and see Fujifilm’s newest, lightest and most affordable medium format mirrorless camera. Enjoy a gallery style exhibit of prints…
Continue reading →Those that know Meghan and I know that we have what appears to be an on going camera acquisition “problem”. Really all it is, is a desire to try all…
Continue reading →Much to the delight of our pre-order customers, we’ve just received a shipment of the new Fujifilm X-H1 camera, both bodies and kits with the Vertical Power Booster and extra…
Continue reading →Fujifilm shooters don’t miss this great offer from Profoto! For a short time only purchase a new Profoto Pro-10, D1, D2, D4, B1X or B2 and get an Air Remote…
Continue reading →Fujifilm’s X-H1 is, for X-system users, a groundbreaking new camera. I have been privileged to spend a fair bit of time with two different preproduction bodies, through several iterations of…
Continue reading →Come join Fujifilm and Beau Photo Supplies for an exciting product showcase event! We cannot be specific about what will be shown just yet, but soon! Look for an updated…
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