35mm Film

I was super stoked when Dave from Flic Flim told me he would be distributing the AGO Film Processor in Canada! That meant I could give it a whirl. The…
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Kodak Portra (introduced 1998) and Kodak Gold (introduced 1988) are two of the most popular colour negative films from Kodak, but what really is the difference between them (other than…
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Recently, I decided it might be a good idea to try Rollei Infrared 400 film with an actual IR filter while it’s nice and sunny out. That way, even with…
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My go to Black and White film to push is none other than Ilford Hp5 Plus. As some may know, rating, metering, and developing Ilford HP5 in different ways gives…
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Every film photographer has that camera that got them to fall in love with film. To some, it’s their parent’s Pentax K1000 that’s been in the family for years. To…
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Harman Phoenix 200 A few weeks ago, we saw Harman release their brand new colour film into the world and it was interesting to see how varied the results were…
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