Used Film Cameras and Lenses
Our used film camera selection is growing and changing all the time. We have used 35mm SLR bodies and lenses, point and shoot cameras, used medium format cameras and lenses, Used large format cameras and lenses and more. Call or come in if there is something specific you are looking for, or if you have questions about which camera might be the best fit for you.
A note about old negatives and prints: These images are valuable for their historical information and also as beautiful images. Don’t throw them out! Often when people are cleaning out attics or basements and come across a collection of cameras they want to consign, there are negatives and prints. They may have meaning to relatives or kids, but often they are seen as uninteresting and are disposed of. Let us give them a new life! Bring them in with your consignment and let us love them. See an example of images we’ve encountered so far on our blog series of vintage photographs.