Kono Bubblegum Film Findings

We recently got some Kono Dubblefilm Bubblegum film in stock, so I thought I’d give it a try and shoot a roll of double exposures with a friend! Then I thought I’d blog about my findings with this film because unlike my friend Troch, who I did the doubles with, I got very different results when I scanned them.

Troch’s  scanner (an old HP Scan Jet G4050 – see her scans here;  https://www.lomography.com/homes/troch/albums/2172212-double-down-dubblefilm-bubblegum ) scanned our Kono Bubble Gum negatives to a more bubblegummy hue. However, when I scanned the same negatives upstairs on the Beau Photo Epson Perfection 4990 Photo scanner I found that straight out of the scanner they were lime green! I had to use the scanner’s Exposure Auto Correct button and then select Color Restoration, that left me with scans that had a whispy green fog across them and green shadows. I decided to open the scans in Photoshop, then I stared at the Color Balance Window in Photoshop for a bit finally clueing in that maybe I could just slide the green slider toward the magenta and my green fog  and shadows would turn into pink fog and shadows. Those of you who know me also know I abhor photo-shopping my film photography, however in the case of these experimental colour cast films its sometimes necessary. Another note: my friend who had her Bubblegum roll processed and scanned by a pro lab had the same issue with her scans being green. I popped them into photoshop and used the sliders on them as I did with my own and they now look Bubblegumy!

For examples of how the original scan came out on my roll and the different degrees of magenta I applied to them, see below….

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Beau Photo Supplies Inc.