Fusion Speaker 2019 – Wayne Hoecherl – Reading the Light

Have you ever looked at a photograph in someone’s portfolio or a magazine and wondered how it was lit? In this workshop I will go though all of the clues that can give you the answer, showing you how you can read the photograph. How many lights? What sort of modifiers? What was the direction and placement of lights? You will learn how to answer these questions for yourself and use this information to enhance and inform your own photography, inspiring you to take your images to the next level. I have been working in photography for over 20 years. I work as a Photographer, Photo-illustrator and Educator. I specialize in photographing people. I have shot Advertising, Fashion, Editorial, Music and Film.

Reading the Light – Wayne Hoecherl – Saturday, Nov 23, 2019 10:30am – 12pm

For more of Wayne’s work visit: https://wah-pix.com/

To purchase tickets to Wayne’s Fusion talk please visit the Eventbrite linke here: https://beaufusion2019.eventbrite.ca

For more info about our Fusion Event and a list of all the other speakers please visit: https://www.beauphoto.com/fusion2019/

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Beau Photo Supplies Inc.
Beau Photo Supplies Inc.