Fusion Speaker 2019 – Kathy Kinakin – Wet Plate Photography Demo

The wet plate, or wet collodion, process is becoming more popular as people see the beautiful images this historic process is able to produce. Invented in 1851 by Frederick Scott Archer, it became the most widely used process at that time. As a much less expensive alternative to the Daguerreotype, it allowed the average person to have their portrait done. It is also unique in that the whole process, from sensitizing the plate to development and fixing must be done all at once, while the plate is wet, making it an early version of instant photography. See how tintypes are made from start to finish in this demo of the process. We will discuss chemicals and equipment, and answer whatever questions you bring to the workshop. If you are thinking of trying this process yourself, this is a good way to see exactly what is involved. Space is limited to 12 people. We will be working outside so bring something warm to wear.

Kathy Kinakin works extensively with historic and alternative photographic processes and shoots with everything from handmade pinhole cameras and instant film cameras to large format 16” × 20” antique view cameras. She has curated exhibitions in Vancouver and Toronto and has shown her work in galleries in Vancouver. She holds an MA in Photographic Preservation and Collections Management from Ryerson University, Toronto, and a BFA in photography from Emily Carr University of Art + Design, Vancouver.

Wet Plate Demo with Kathy Kinakin – Saturday Nov 9th, 10:30am – 12pm

For tickets to Kathy’s talk at Fusion 2019 please visit the Eventbrite link here: https://beaufusion2019.eventbrite.ca

Be sure to get tickets early for this demo, as space is very limited!

For more info about our Fusion Event and a list of all the other speakers please visit: https://www.beauphoto.com/fusion2019/

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Beau Photo Supplies Inc.