Croissants and Cameras: Rolleicord I

Before Covid-19 I thought it might be a good idea to acquire another Rolleicord, specifically for taking into questionable situations such as music festivals and Burning Man. Places many environmental things are out of my control and I’m not daring enough to take the love of my photographic life, my Rolleicord Vb. Even here in Vancouver it rains a lot and that puts a damper on my shooting. So I bought a broken Rolleicord and had our repair tech Frank CLA it. This worked out well, less invested, not much lost should something befall me or it. Because I wanted to test it out quickly I only took it for a short walk around the block, this included my favourite beach side alley way, Jung alley. I only just got the photos developed and they look great except the spacing is off, which means that I somehow screwed it up……!


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Beau Photo Supplies Inc.