Once you start developing your own black and white film, people tend to give you the old film they have. This is both great and not so great, though always... Continue reading →

Some of you may remember I used to post some of the found photos that ended up here in the store. Whether they were from rolls left in cameras that…
Continue reading →On January 11th we had our first Beau Photo walk of 2025! I had lots of fun, despite the rain, which of course started as soon as we set out…
Continue reading →New Half Frame Camera The Pentax 17 looks absolutely beautiful, the more I look at it the more I like it. I’ve shown it to some non-photographer friends and even…
Continue reading →A few weeks ago, we received our Canon EOS R5mkII body for the Beau Photo Rental Department, and took it out for testing prior to making it available to rent….
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