Canon 1014 XL-S Super 8 Camera Video Clip ~BassCoast

Above Photo Credit: Caspian Kai

As you may have read in our monthly newsletter, here is, as promised, the video clip from my first Super 8 endeavor. If you missed out on the newsletter article, here is an excerpt:

“I’ve just come back from my Bass Coast Music Festival
Holiday! I must admit I am a little miffed at myself, I had 6
cameras that I planned to use: my Revere Stereo, Horizon,
Lomo Spinner, Canon 1014XL-S, Pentax *ist, and my Fuji
Digital XT1. I found for the first time ever at a festival that I
either didn’t have enough time or the energy left to shoot
with all the cameras I brought. Our group had arrived to
the festival grounds early to build an art installation and
that alone made me think that the various panoramic
cameras and stereo camera would be a neat way to
document the project, but sadly the build tired my brain
out more than I anticipated and I shot far less film photos
than usual.

I did however do the one thing I have been too chicken to
do for a long time now: shoot a roll of Kodak Tri-X7266
Super 8 film. Recently someone gave me a 1979 Canon
1014XL-S, and when that happened, any excuses I could
use to stall my Super 8 endeavours were eliminated. The
Canon 1014XL-S is a well thought out piece of machinery.

I found myself dreading cracking open its manual, but turns
out it is very straightforward and easy to understand. As
I read the manual, I looked at the camera’s settings and
adjusted them to what I thought I’d need. Once I got to
Bass Coast all that was left to do is load the film, which is in
a foolproof cartridge format, then flip the camera on
and hold the trigger. One of my favourite things about the
camera is the whirring sound it made while I was shooting.
The camera even uses six AA batteries, the simplest option
as long as you remember to remove them when you’re not
using it. The instruction manual assured me that if I focused
on a subject and then moved around, it should somehow
keep focus.”

To read the full article, go here:

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