Cameras and Croissants: Sears Tower Box 120

Testing out cameras has become a way of life for Meghan and I, as such a variety pass through the store. Everything from odd little ones to “higher end” sought after ones – we always find ourselves with an abundance of different cameras and curiosity about their performance.

On this particular day the sun had decided to show its face, shocking because it was December! My friend, her baby and I were chillin’ in Nelson Park for a picnic and ever the opportunist I made an attempt to emulate an old family photo feel using my Sears Tower Box camera. It uses 120 film and has a huge 6×9 negative! Usually I’ve found box cameras will focus at 6 feet, however this one seems to optimally focus farther than 6 feet. I chose this one because I think Tower box cameras are some of the prettiest commonly found. As mentioned in Meghan’s post regarding Tower cameras, this was the “house brand” of cameras produced by Sears Department stores and they were all rebranded cameras made by other companies such as Asahi, Bilora, Ricoh and many others.

The weather right now is good for trying out box cameras and we do have a few for sale here in the store. A few of my favourites are a Tower 120 box camera much the same as mine, a Coronet 120/ 127 and a lovely Kodak with blue skin. There are many more, they range in price from $25 – $120.


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Beau Photo Supplies Inc.