I purchased the Braun SR2000 MD because I’m a total nerd. It’s essentially a “worthless” camera as far as the experts say, however I found it appealing because in one…
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I purchased the Braun SR2000 MD because I’m a total nerd. It’s essentially a “worthless” camera as far as the experts say, however I found it appealing because in one…
Continue reading →I’ve noticed that some of the older scuffed up cameras could use a little cosmetic snazzing up – though that’s not to say a brand new shiny camera wouldn’t look…
Continue reading →I know, I know! I’ve likely said this before and I’ll likely say it ten billion more times! I LOVE multiple exposures on film! They are dreamy! And you never…
Continue reading →If you’ve been following our camera adventures over the years, you know of our Camera Speed Dating blog. We occasionally still find a different camera in our possession or a…
Continue reading →If you’ve been following our camera adventures over the years, you know of our Camera Speed Dating blog. We occasionally still find a different camera in our possession or friends…
Continue reading →April 14th 2021. Wednesday 11:00am. Coal Harbor – Nicole: actually my story starts before this- if you recall last summer I got myself a Seneca 4×5 and put a Kodak…
Continue reading →February 25th 2021. Thursday. 7pm. Vancouver – Nicole: previously I had taken my Rolleicord Vb out with Ilford Delta 3200 and used it to take photos of building entrance ways…
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