Meet the Beau Photo Staff

The Big Feta… Angie Apostolides
(1932 – 2021)
Angie was the owner and one of the founders of Beau Photo and was our fearless leader through all of these years. He leaves a thriving business that supports all levels of photographers, and the larger photographic community. It was always his vision to do the best for every customer, no matter their experience. He had a passion for photography that is carried on by the staff at Beau. You can read more about Angie’s story in our blog post about him here –

Meghan Smith –
General Manager
Meghan takes care of all the important stuff at Beau. Call her with your complaints because she loves that. She is hiding away in the back – looking after accounts, and all the piles of never ending paperwork. Need a Renaissance Albums? She’s still your gal. e-mail her at or give her a call at Beau.

Mike –
Digital Imaging Department
Mike has been doing digital imaging since 256 colour VGA graphics were state-of-the-art, and has been using Photoshop since version 2.5! He has the answer to just about any digital question you have and can help you with your digital imaging dilemmas. He is also a desert loving landscape photographer that finally made the switch to digital. See his gallery page in the staff galleries on the website. You can call or e-mail him at

Jason –
Rental Manager
Jason is very happy to have so much equipment to look after. Lights, lots of digital cameras, and especially the big lenses! If there is a specific piece of equipment you are looking for, give him a call and he can reserve it for you. If you know the perfect place to photograph a rare bird, or need to know a good place yourself, he’s the guy to talk to. See his images on the staff gallery pages on this website.

Ken –
Equipment Sales
Lights? Cameras? Get Ken on it. He can help you find what you need to help set up your studio or get out there in the action and shooting. Call him or e-mail at

Emil –
Shipping and Receiving
Emil is ‘The Box Controller’ and he’s prepared to ship whatever you need. He is also a film maker so come by and chat with him about films. He loves beautiful light and good stories. You can e-mail him at

Boris –
Paper Shuffler / Camera Explorer
Boris does a lot of paperwork here, but would love it if you’d come by and interrupt him to ask about film cameras, which is his real passion. He loves taking his cameras on drives down long dirt roads and photographing all sorts of subjects.e-mail him at if you have questions about 35mm film cameras.

Nicole –
Film Leader
Nicole is film crazy. She loves film and is always trying out everything new that comes in. She is a creative person and would love to hear what you are working on. You can check out some of her work in the staff gallery pages on this website. If you are looking for something unusual, ask her and she will do her best to get it in for you.

Kathy –
Alternative Processes, Graphic Design
Kathy has been at Beau for quite a while and has done many different jobs here. She loves film and historic photographic processes and is happy to talk about what you’ve been working on and answer any questions you might have. See some of her work in the staff galleries on this website. She is also the one to ask if you want to know how to preserve your photographs for future generations.You can send her an e-mail at

Grace –
Front Sales / Social Media
Grace is here to share Beau stories and news with all of you loyal followers. She also loves photography and would love to talk photo stuff when you come by the shop. Email her at for any questions, concerns, and any photos you would like to show her.

Marley –
The All Around Guy
Marley is a camera nerd who loves all types of cameras, and loves collecting cameras. Marley also has quite the product knowledge about all sorts of cameras, both analog and digital. Before Beau, he worked at a different camera store. He must really love cameras! He likes to say shot on “Film” after every frame. If you have any questions for Marley email him at

Basil (Bill) Apostolides –
All around fun guy
Bill sets his own hours and when he’s here he is always up to something. He’s mostly retired now, spending time lounging in his yard or in his garden. He helped out in shipping, but was also the delivery driver and cleaner. Cardboard boxes are his favourite though, give him a pile of old boxes and he’ll have them cut up and in the recycling in no time. We hope he is enjoying official retirement!