Abandoned Street Film

Slide film

Some of you may remember I used to post some of the found photos that ended up here in the store. Whether they were from rolls left in cameras that got consigned and I developed, or just old negatives left in boxes… it was always fun to see what would surface when I scanned them. I had let my Found Photo series slip a bit in the wake of other posts, however the other day Meghan was walking her dog Hudson and she found a lone slide. It was leaning against a bottle on a ledge along the street, abandoned, left for anyone to pick up, and she held it up to the sky and took a photo of it. As she and I often do with street found curiosities, she texted it to me. It must have sparked something in me, because I immediately asked her if she’d kept it. She said no but it was close by if I wanted to go find it. She’d just leaned it back up against the bottle where she’d found it. I was extremely sleepy and about to lay down for a nap so I declined at that moment and fell into a deep sleep. Naps always conjure up the craziest dreams and this particular nap had the dreamscape of that slide she’d sent me (and maybe a little of the video game I’d been playing all afternoon). Upon waking up, I found myself low key obsessed with it. By that time it was already dark out so I had zero chance till the next day to go hunt it down, I even fretted about it all night while the rain poured down! The next day I made hunting for it the first thing I did. I couldn’t see a bottle or a slide on the ledge. I looked and looked, and then noticed near the ledge was a water logged area under a planter where I spotted some other slides. They were still mounted so I grabbed them, and bingo! Whoever had taken those photos had bracketed their shots and I found one of them was the same frame with slightly different exposure. I’m not sure why this frame stuck in my brain, if she’d come across the other one I found and sent it to me I doubt it’d have had the same effect, I suppose this is the way of imagery, some stick some don’t, and it’s all relative.


Slide Film


Slide Film


If after seeing the luminescence of this slide you decide you want to give positive film a try yourself, we sell it! send me an email at film@beauphoto.com to see which stock is currently available. We do carry the Arista at-home E6 developing kits, if you ‘d like to try your hand at developing in your home, we can also special order you the AGO film processor, if you find need a little help with your temperature control.  Have a look at my other blog post detailing m AGO experience!

AGO Film Processor




Arista E-6 Developing Kit



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Beau Photo Supplies Inc.