Argus Day 2017

Argust 17th, 2017

Its almost August and as usual all Argus enthusiasts will be gearing up for Argus Day 2017! Meghan and myself are Beau Photo’s Argus fans and we have many customers who also adore Argus cameras.

Just in time for Argus Day 2017, Meghan has acquired a new Argus 75. Unlike her previous black Argus Seventy-Five 1949-1958, this one is a later version manufactured from 1958-1964 and it has a lustrous brown finish. Like last year Meghan will have to alter some 120 film to fit it in her Argus 75 as it was intended for 620 film. Luckily with these cameras it just requires her to use scissors and cut down a 120 spool of film. For myself, as there are many intriguing Argus cameras floating around, I’d like to shoot a different Argus camera than I did last year when I shot the Argus A and the Argus C3. This year I hope to borrow an Argus C33 from a friend who is an avid Argus collector!

You can share your Argus Day photos on social media, as we’d love to see them all! Use the hashtag #ArgusDay2016 or on Twitter mentions us @beauphotostore or Instagram @beau_photo_supplies. You can also email any of your photos to and we will include them in our next post with all our photos from Argus Day! Be sure to include what camera you used.

There is even a special Argus Collectors page, dedicated to all things Argus with many great reference guides and info. You can also submit your Argus Day photos to them each year, which they then post to their yearly archive.

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Beau Photo Supplies Inc.
Beau Photo Supplies Inc.