FUSION 2018 – The Craft Behind the Image

FUSION is back for its 7th year!

After taking a break last year, Fusion 2018 is back and it promises to be bigger and better than ever before. What’s new this year?  Well, besides having a great lineup of all new speakers, we will holding FUSION 2018 at the River Rock Casino Resort in Richmond. We are also teaming up with the Professional Photographers of Canada to get more exhibitors from all across Canada and the USA.  That means a bigger trade show area, with more cameras and gear to see. Those exhibiting include Canon, Fujifilm, Nikon, Sony, Broncolor, Profoto, Hasselblad, Sigma, Epson, Tether Tools, and many more. It also means lots of free demos on the Demo stage.  This is our once a year show that you won’t want to miss it!

Fusion 2018 will be held on Saturday, May 5th from 10:00 AM till 5:00PM.  Through out the day we will present eight 90 minute speaker sessions running concurrently, with three blocks. The speaker list is on our website and tickets are available now.  There is a variety of topics; DSLR video, art, business, travel, maternity and baby photography, and many more. Go to the FUSION 2018 website for all the details and to purchase your tickets (Early Bird pricing in effect till March 31).  https://www.beauphoto.com/fusion2018

The Canadian Imaging Conference & Trade Show runs May 4th to 9th, with a two day trade show on the Sunday and Monday (May 6th & 7th) immediately after Fusion 2018.  For more information and to register go to : http://canadianimaging.org/


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Beau Photo Supplies Inc.
Beau Photo Supplies Inc.